by Cesare Rocchi

Is it drying up?

Sarah Parmenter wrote an interesting blog post about work drying up for freelance web designers. It reminds me a lot of what happened in the Flash community almost ten years ago. The once great tool that saved us all from fighting against incompatibilities between browsers was not useful anymore. Developers began to progressively ditch it. Some went back to web technologies, others (like me) started working on mobile native applications.

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On Firing a Client

TLDR; Learn how to spot when things are going wrong with a client and leave as soon as you can. Use wisely the time you gain with that move. UPDATE: This was an article describing details about the relationship between me and a former client of mine. When my wife read it (after being published) she made me aware that it could have sounded offensive. I removed all the details and distilled it as follows.

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On Learning to Code as a Shortsighted Goal

These days there is buzz around the idea that everybody should learn how to code. Far from feeling that as a threat for my career, lately I have come to realize that learning to code is just a small step. Once you are able to code, you are still missing out a lot of stuff. Ask yourself: what are you coding for? Sure, you can get a job in a company, push code to a repository and get payed.

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