by Cesare Rocchi

App Store Slowness

Sometimes I wish the biggest app developers would get together and delist their apps for a day, just to show how much pain this process causes. Kushal Dave source I couldn’t have said it better. One of the best signals that you can give to your customers is quick intervention. Someone proposes a feature that goes along with your vision and actually improves the app? Work on that and push it quickly.

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Fear of the App Store

As I’ve mentioned in previous emails, I fear App Review. And that’s no small thing. So many decisions I make end up being filtered through whether or not I think something might get rejected. Which has a profound impact on my team’s entire development process ... @drbarnard source Is this sane to you? Not even a bit to me. And yet you have to be paranoid about whether Apple will approve your app, especially if you are going to include an offbeat feature.

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