
by Cesare Rocchi

Fostering Open Source Contributions by First Timers

by Cesare Rocchi


Try to remember the first time you tried to contribute some code to an open source project. Even if you are a great developer there’s a lot behind a good contribution:

  • requirements about tests
  • how a pull request is managed
  • code formatting guidelines

If you manage an open source project and you welcome contributions, try to make it easy.

Kent C. Dodds had a very cool idea. He just wrote the tests and a very detailed description of a feature. Then he specifically requested a PR only from first timers. It didn’t take long to get one. All the details here.

Unfortunately it’s not possible to search the whole Github by label AFAIK. It’d be a cool weekend project to put together some crawler that collects open source projects that foster contributions by first timers.